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HCA Midwest and Aetna - What you need to know.

This message details HCA Midwest's efforts to reach an agreement with Aetna so Medicare Advantage patents can remain in network at our facilities.

July 03, 2024

After Sept. 1, 2024, HCA Midwest Health hospitals may no longer be participating providers in the Aetna Medicare Advantage plan.

We are working very hard right now to prevent this from happening. We certainly understand how unsettling this prospect may be for you, and assure you we are actively negotiating in good faith to reach an agreement with Aetna. Our goal is to reach a compromise with Aetna so you and your loved ones can continue to have the convenient access you expect at our hospital campuses and other sites of care throughout the Kansas City region.

However, if a compromise cannot be reached by Aug. 31, 2024, our hospitals will no longer be part of the Aetna Medicare Advantage plan. This means if you have one of these plans, effective Sept. 1, 2024, you may either not be covered for non-emergency medical services at our facilities, or you may be required to pay higher out-of-network co-pays and deductibles for those services.

Whether or not we are able to reach an agreement with Aetna, all patients, including those with Aetna Medicare Advantage insurance, are always able to receive emergency services at our hospitals.

Please be assured that we are negotiating in good faith to remain a participating provider in the Aetna Medicare Advantage plans. We remain firmly dedicated to providing healthcare services to support the health and wellness of our community.

For more information about your coverage, or to let Aetna know that you want HCA Midwest Health to remain in network with your Medicare Advantage plan, please call the telephone number located on the back of your Aetna insurance card.

You may also call our help line at 1-833-834-4613, Monday-Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm CST.

Thank you for your understanding and for the privilege of caring for you and your family.
Frequently Asked Questions

Will my family have access to your hospital’s emergency services?

Yes. Regardless of what happens with the Aetna negotiations, everyone still has access to all our facilities for emergency services, regardless of insurance status. Our facilities, physicians and nurses are here for anyone who needs help in an emergency.

What will happen if an agreement is not reached?

If a new agreement is not reached, then as of Sept. 1, 2024, HCA Midwest Health facilities will no longer be part of the Aetna Medicare Advantage plan. This means if you have one of these plans, effective Sept. 1, 2024, you may either not be covered for non-emergency medical services at our facilities, or you may be required to pay higher out-of-network co-pays and deductibles for those services. Emergency care, of course, is always available regardless of insurance plans.

Our primary concern is that members of our communities have access to quality health care.

Is this just about money and profits?

No. We want to continue our relationship with Aetna, but it is critical that we are able to agree upon a reasonable contract that allows us to maintain access to quality care that our patients, physicians, leadership and staff have come to expect.

Will I have to change doctors?

You will need to contact your physician’s office directly to determine that.

I am already preregistered to deliver my baby at your hospital. Can I still go there?

If you have Aetna Medical Advantage insurance, the delivery of your baby will be covered if you are at least 24 weeks pregnant as of Aug. 31, 2024.

I am undergoing chemotherapy/breast reconstruction surgery/any multi-phase treatment at your hospital. Will I still be able to continue my treatment at your hospital?

As far as we know, you will be able to continue any treatment you have already started this year at our hospital that was previously authorized by Aetna. You may wish to contact Aetna directly to find out if we can continue to provide the next phases of your treatment planned for after Aug. 31, 2024.

Will HCA Midwest Physicians practices and CareNow urgent care centers be in-network?

We have a separate agreement with Aetna Medicare Advantage for HCA Midwest Physicians practices and CareNow urgent care centers that are unaffected by these negotiations.

However, physicians who practice at HCA Midwest Health facilities have received letters from Aetna stating that unless a new agreement is reached, any physician with hospital privileges exclusive to HCA Midwest Health will no longer be able to participate in the Aetna Medicare Advantage network.

Are Aetna’s commercial insurance products impacted by this contract negotiation?

No – this negotiation only impacts the Aetna Medicare Advantage products – HCA Midwest’s contracts with Aetna commercial products are unaffected.

Insurance Coverage:

HCA Midwest Health’s hospitals are in-network with a number of major insurance providers. You can view the full list here.

Marketing Contact for Press Releases

Chris Hamele

July 03, 2024

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