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Super Bowl parade safety

Thousands of fans will celebrate the Kansas City Chiefs at the Super Bowl LVIII victory parade. Remember to have a plan and follow a few safety tips.

February 11, 2024
A child smiles while standing on a sidewalk, watching a summertime parade.

General safety tips

  • Sign up for text alerts. ALERTKC is keeping you in the know with parade notifications. Text KCPARADE to 888-777 for the most updated information on transit, public safety and more.
  • Have a plan to get to and from the parade route.
  • Choose a designated meeting place if you get separated from your group.
  • Bring your ID, insurance card and cash.
  • Make sure your cell phone is fully charged, and note that large crowds can affect cell phone usage.
  • Wear comfortable, closed toe shoes.
  • Check the weather report and layer clothing appropriately.
  • Watch where you’re walking! Sidewalks and streets can be uneven.
  • Pack a bag with the following:
    • Water
    • Snacks
    • Toilet paper
    • Hand sanitizer
    • Sunscreen
    • First Aid kit
    • Poncho or umbrella
  • Know where the closest medical facility is.
  • Know where the closest restroom is located and be prepared for port-a-potties.

Children’s safety at parades

  • Know the parade route in order to locate lost child centers, bathrooms, etc.
  • Pack a bag for the day that includes everything your child may need (diapers, hand sanitizer, snacks, drinks, etc.)
  • Always keep children within your line of sight. Never leave them unattended.
  • Make sure children stay out of the street when a parade is rolling.
  • Avoid putting your child on your shoulders. A child can easily get knocked over and adults can lose their balance or trip/slip.
  • Choose a designated meeting place if you get separated. Remember, during past victory parades cell service was down due to congestion.
  • Teach your children to find a police officer if they get lost.
  • Young children should have identifying information sewed inside their shirt or jacket, including their name and mom/dad’s contact phone numbers.
  • Take your child's picture with your cell phone before you head out for the day. If the worst happens, you can show police exactly what the child looks like and what they are wearing.

If you choose to drink

  • Alcohol is not allowed along the parade route.
  • Eat food (especially protein) and drink water throughout the day.
  • Know the source of your drinks. Don’t accept drinks from strangers.
  • Mixing alcohol and energy drinks increases the risk of dehydration and alcohol overdose because caffeine masks the effects of alcohol.
  • Have a plan to get home. Appoint a designated driver or save the number of local cab companies in your phone. Do not ride in the car of an intoxicated driver. Check the schedules with RideKC and RideKC Streetcar.

Signs of alcohol overdose

  • Mental confusion
  • Seizures
  • Cold, clammy, bluish skin
  • Vomiting uncontrollably
  • Breathing slowly or irregularly
  • Passed out and can’t be woken up
  • Heart rate is slow or irregular

If you suspect alcohol overdose

  • Call 911. Never assume the person will sleep off alcohol poisoning.
  • Try to keep the person sitting up. If the person must lie down, place the person on his/her/their side to prevent choking or aspiration (inhaling) on vomit.
  • Do not leave the person alone.

HCA Midwest Health offers 11 hospital and freestanding ERs throughout the Kansas City region. We offer 24/7 emergency care to adults and kids with short wait times. Find an HCA Midwest Health emergency room near you.

February 11, 2024

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